Customer procedure for importing ITE and Medical power supplies/AC adaptors to Japan

The Japan PSE Law and its regulations specify mandatory electrical safety and EMI requirements for electrical products sold in Japan. Products with a history of accidents in the marketplace, or products which are likely to cause injury, are termed “Specified Electrical Products” and require third-party assessment by a METI-Registered Conformity Assessment Body (Registered CAB). Specified Electrical Products must display the diamond PSE mark. Power supplies and AC Adapters are “Specified electrical products” and must have a PSE mark.

An overview of the regulation is available online:

Obligations/Procedure for Importers of Globtek Power supplies into Japan

  1. Importers are obligated to submit an official notification to METI prior to importing electrical equipment subject to the PSE Law (Article 3, Notification of Business Commencement)
  2. Importers shall Obtain an “authorized valid copy” of the METI-designated CAB’s PSE Certificate from GlobTek and keep the original on file in Japan
  3. Apply a label over the GlobTek PSE label with PSE label showing actual importer name. (See below diagram)

Label PSE

4. Retain the “INSPECTION REPORT” which is included as an attachment to each invoice from GlobTek (provided by email at time of shipment) and retain in Japan for 3 years (Article 8, Section 2, Self-confirmation)

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