IP68 Waterproof and Weatherproof Connectors

GlobTek offers a host of waterproof and weatherproof connectors from IPx1 to IP68 to accompany its vast offering of waterproof and weatherproof power supplies and cable assemblies or wire harnesses custom manufactured for OEM customers. GlobTek offers standard and custom low cost connectors produced in-house or purchased connectors from major manufacturers including but not limited to  Amphenol, Molex, Tyco, Lemo, ODU, Fischer, Turck, Binder, KCC, etc.

Popular applications for GlobTek's waterproof and weather proof series power supplies and IP68 cables are Electronic Flush Systems, Automatic Flush Valves, Electronic Sensor Faucets, Electric and Electronic Valves, Lighting and Signage, Instrumentation and metering applications, Emergency Response equipment, and intelligent battery charging of mobile equipment.

Stock cable assemblies:
